Dear Friends, 

This past Sunday, I mentioned in church that the worst way to relay information to me would be to simply tell me something after the service on the way out of church. At that point, my mind will mix up details and possibly not remember much at all. 
What I forgot to mention - see? I forget a lot of things at that time - was how one OUGHT to relay a message to me in a way that I'll remember it. So here are some great ways HOW to contact your pastor, along with some great times to do so as well. 
1. Written notes. One of the oldest and most reliable ways to relay information. They still work! 
2. Emails. Like written notes, I can refer back to them if I scramble information or dates or numbers in my head.
3. Texts. Send these to my cell, not the church line. 920-418-1559. 
4. Voice Mail. Again, to get information to me ASAP, please leave voicemails to my cell phone, 920-418-1559. 

Now as to WHEN to contact your pastor: 
1. You're going to the hospital.
2. You have a prayer request. 
3. You have a concern about something at church.
4. There is an issue in your marriage and/or family. 
5. You have a question about what the Bible says. 
6. You have a friend who wants to know more about Jesus.

A final note about our Office Hours.
Pastor is on call 24/7. Our Administrator is not. Calls to Tammy are best handled when she is in the office and has ready access to things that can help you. Her office hours are Mondays and Wednesdays, 9-3. It's best to call her during those hours. 920-849-4421 or email to

Thanks, and we both look forward to helping you as much as we can - - that's why we're here!!

Pastor Schmitt and Tammy Pethan


CHILDREN'S LESSON: All children up through grade 6 are welcome to come forward when called for the Children's lesson. Parents are more than welcome to accompany young and special needs children. Please note that our services are being streamed on Facebook Live. Therefore, you and your child(ren) may be visible to those viewing our services, either live or via recorded playback. Should this be a problem, please talk with the Pastor before the service; we may be able to adjust the camera to remove you and your child(ren) from view.



                Orders are placed monthly. 

                Forms can be picked up in the narthex or social hall.

